How to Sign Out a Report for Another Surgeon in Cerner

Due to unforeseen reasons, there may be a time when a surgeon has created a report in OpNote but is unable to sign out the report (illness, injury, death). In OpNote, only the person in the 'Name of Surgeon' field is able to sign out the report. This document will outline the steps needed for one surgeon to sign out another surgeon's report in OpNote.

Our example will involve three key roles: Cerner Surgeon 1, an OpNote Administrator, and Cerner Surgeon 2.

In Cerner PowerChart, Cerner Surgeon 1 launches OpNote for the desired patient. The surgeon creates a report but does not sign out the report.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Cerner Surgeon 1 is no longer with the organization and unable to sign out the report.

A designated OpNote Administrator at your organization will need to log directly into OpNote using the URL and their assigned Admin credentials, and change the 'Name of Surgeon' to the surgeon who will sign in Cerner Surgeon 1's absence.

Upon logging into OpNote, the Administrator will select 'Attention' to display any unsigned reports, find the desired patient report, and click on 'Open' to open the report:

Once the report is open, change the 'Name of Surgeon' from the original surgeon, Cerner Surgeon 1, to the designated signing surgeon. In this example, it will be Cerner Surgeon 2. Once the 'Name of Surgeon' field is updated, simply click 'Home' to return back to the previous screen.

Cerner Surgeon 2 logs into PowerChart pulls up the patient and launches OpNote. The unsigned report will display and Cerner Surgeon 2 now shows as the surgeon:

Cerner Surgeon 2, clicks open, scrolls to the bottom of the report, enters information into the 'Other Comments' field to explain why signing for the other surgeon and then signs out the report.

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