How to fill out a report using Internet and dictation

  1. Log in to OpNote
  2. Select the appointment on which you wish to create a report. Click "New Report"
  3. Select the default you wish to use OR choose blank report. (If you don't have any defaults yet, simply choose start with a blank report)

4. Make sure date of surgery is correct and add assistant(s) and anesthesiologist as needed.

5. Make sure the Procedure/CPT chosen is correct (the CPT is what was scheduled). If it's not, find the one you want via search and click on it to add it.

6. Delete the incorrect one by clicking the red X. NOTE: If this procedure already has an associated operative description, because you are using a default report or this report was already transcribed, you can instead change the CPT code on the edit screen without losing the associated operative description.

7. When you have all the correct procedures lined up, hit "Continue"

8. Make sure the diagnosis/ICD is correct (the ICD is what was scheduled). If it's not, find the one you want via search or the "Codes" tab for cross-coded diagnoses. Click on it to add it.

9. Delete the incorrect one by clicking the red X. Choose "PostOp is the Same" or "PostOp is Different" depending on your needs. If it's different, you will have to repeat the act of finding and adding new diagnoses on the next screen. Hit "Continue" when done.

10. On the edit screen, click through each section to add responses (either selecting a choice to add it, or typing it into a text field)

11. If you wish to go into further detail in specific sections — Indications, Findings, Operative Description — leave those blank for now (you will dictate them in a bit)

12. Once every section is filled out (except for the ones into which you wish to dictate), click "Save and Exit."

13. Pick up the phone and dictate - specifying Surgeon name, procedure date, patient's name and MRN, and then each section you are dictating (For example: "Operative Description"). Finish dictation and hang up the phone. (Dictation instructions are at the end of this packet)

14. Next day, log in to OpNote. Under "Attention Required" you will see the report you created. Click "Open"

15. Review the dictation, making any changes that need to be made. Then click "Sign Out" to complete your reporting.

Toll Free Number for Dictation: (888) 371-5844

1- Call our Toll Free Number 2- Enter your USER ID

You can use the following navigation prompts:


Record Over: 

(new feature)You can now “record over” parts of your recording. Navigate to any part in your recording and press the “record” button. This will overwrite the old part of the recording. Cloud Dictation is now truly a handheld recorder in the sky...

Save Menu: (new feature)

The “Save and Disconnect” and “Save and Continue” functions have been combined. Go to the “Save Menu.” You will be given three options...
Option 1: Save and Disconnect
Option 2: Save and Start another Recording
Option 3: Save and Finish Later (new feature)Every time you dial into cloud dictation you are asked if you want to “retrieve a recording” or start a new recording. If you marked a file as “incomplete” using the “Save and Finish later” function, you will be able to retrieve the recording the next time you call into the system.* Recording will be retrievable for up to one week.

NOTE: You do not have to listen to the entire menu. You can navigate by pressing 5 & 1 or 5 & 2.

Fast Forward Incrementally:

You can go to the any part of your recording and FF in 3 second increments. The fast forward increment function works just like the rewind increment function.


You can now mark your priority in multiple levels. (new feature) 

Priority Level 1:
Priority Level 2:
Priority Level 3:
Priority Level Normal: (default)
You and your transcription team can decide the meaning of each level.
Example: Level 1 can mean within an hour. Level 2 can mean within 6 hours.NOTE: You do not have to listen to the entire menu. You can navigate by pressing 6 & either 1,2,3,4 

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