Launch OpNote and Submit Reports in Cerner


Launching OpNote from Cerner

Your facility has two options for launching OpNote from Cerner: mPages and the Table of Contents. Both launch options are explained below.

Using mPages

First, open up the Provider View of the patient's chart. From either the Ambulatory or Inpatient Workflow tabs, you can select "mTuitive" from the mPages menu on the left side of the Workflow view. This will open up OpNote within your Workflow view.

Using Table of Contents

First, navigate to the patient's chart in Cerner. In the Table of Contents menu on the left of the screen, click on "mTuitive." OpNote will launch in the Table of Contents view to the right.

Complete Report

After OpNote launches, you will see the Patent Details view displaying your patient's information. If you have not started this patient's operative report, click on "New Report" or "Start a New Report." Then, select the type of report you would like to complete for this patient.

For more information on how to complete an operative report in OpNote, please refer to our Basic How To's help section.

Submit Report

Submitting reports in OpNote is a two-step process. First, ensure that all required questions have been answered. You can tell that all required questions have been answered if you see a green banner at the top of the report that says "All required fields are complete." Then, click on "Sign" above the green banner.

You will then see a preview of the operative report. Ensure that all information is correct, then click on "Sign" again.

The report is now signed and has been sent to Cerner.

Find Operative Report in Cerner

After the report has been signed, you can find it by navigating to the patient's chart and selecting "Documentation" in the Table of Contents to the left of the screen. Then, find your operative report in the list and click on it to view the report.

Amend Operative Report

If you need to amend an operative report in Cerner, there are two options: you could amend the report in OpNote, or amend the copy-and-paste version in Cerner.

If you want to amend it in mTuitive OpNote, here are the steps:

  1. Launch mTuitive OpNote from the patient's chart in Cerner.
  2. You will see the Patient Details view for the patient (screenshot below).
  3. Re-open the OpNote by clicking "View".Screen-Shot-2022-09-22-at-9-08-44-AM.png
  4. Select View and you'll be taken to the signed out report.
  5. The report is signed out. But if you want to add anything, click on Create an Amendment (on the right).
    • OpNote takes a few seconds to copy over all of the previous responses before generating a copy of the report for you to amend. This is done in accordance with various standards and legal requirements.
  6. Make your changes (adding, removing responses, etc.) and then sign out the amendment. You can see the listing of the signatures at the bottom, noting when the report and its subsequent amendments were signed.file-CONhU8XsoW.png

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