Choosing the Date & Staff

  • Choosing the Date & Staff
  • Choosing the Date & Staff

      The Date & Staff page is where you make any changes you need to about date of surgery or who worked on the procedure (Surgeon, Assistants, Anesthesiologists).
      • Date
        • If the report is based on an appointment, the date of surgery will reflect the date in the appointment.
        • If the report isn't based on an appointment, the date of surgery will default to today's date.
        • If date of surgery is different than what is currently entered in the field, type in the correct date or use the popup calendar.
        • Surgeon
          • "Surgeon" is defaulted to the current surgeon logged into OpNote and creating the report (i.e., you). You can change this if you are not the surgeon for this case.
          • Note: The Surgeon for the procedure is the only person that can sign out the operative report for that procedure. Other surgeons, assistants can prepare the reports, but only the surgeon can sign it out.
        • Assistant
          • Choose assistants from the pre-populated dropdown list. If there is no assistant, then skip this and the field will not show up in the final report.
        • Anesthesiologist
          • Select the correct anesthesiologist from the list. If the particular anesthesiologist isn't listed, you can manually add his/her name by selecting the link.

      Choose Continue button on bottom right of screen.

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