Navigating the OpNote Dashboard

  • Navigating the OpNote Dashboard
  • Top Banner Links: found at the top of the page.

        • Home: Takes you back to the Dashboard. From there, users can view the schedule, launch new reports and discharge summaries for procedures or review previously created reports that need attention (amendments/signatures).
        • Admitted: Isolated list of all admitted patients available for reporting from any doctor. This list is automatically updated as OpNote receives messages from your hospital's system.
        • Schedule: This link takes you to a separate screen where you can see any scheduled appointments that have been entered for you, the surgeon. Not every site has scheduling, and surgeons will just use the "Admitted Patients" list to launch reports.
        • To Do: Isolated list of completed procedures that require reports. Once the date of the surgery arrives, the appointment is automatically moved from "Schedule" to "To Do." At this point, you (or your residents) are now able to create a report for that procedure. Not every site has scheduling, therefore not every site has "To Do" and surgeons will just use the "Admitted Patients" list to launch reports.
        • Attention: Isolated list of reports that require attention from the user. This could mean completing and signing out on the report, reviewing and approving a report prepared by a resident, or signing an amendment.
        • Signed Out: Isolated list of all your signed out operative reports. You are able to filter by date of completion, revisit and review the reports, or generate amendments on these signed out reports.
        • Defaults: Manage, review, modify and create default reports for your most common procedures based on the CPAC templates. For more information on Defaults, please visit the "default section" of this help text.
        • Next to your name on the right hand side there is an arrow indicating drop down. Click on that arrow to find:
          • Log Out: End your OpNote session.
          • Help: Instructions, tips and tricks, FAQ to enhance your OpNote experience.
          • Support: Contact OpNote support through live chat or through emailing. Customer Support representatives will work closely with you to solve any issues you may be experiencing.

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